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28 January 2020

Good News at BourgRoyal Kennel ! Our litters of griffons are born !

Our first litter of 2020 arrived on January 18. The breeding between Leyritz Des Étangs D’Assat FDJ; NAVHDA NA I, UPT III X Can CH Lakmé Du BourgRoyal FDJ; NA gave us 7 beautiful puppies (4 males and 3 females). They are all in great shape and are growing fast. This litter is the third and last one  for Lakmé who will take a well deserved retirement as a brood bitch.  Lakmé is a very attentive mother for her puppies.

Our second litter arrived a little bit earlier than expected on January 27. This is the second and last litter for Can CH BourgRoyal’s FS Satine FDJ; NAVHDA NA  and is a rrepeat breeding  with Leyritz Des Étangs D’Assat FDJ; NAVHDA NA I, UPT III. We have welcomed 9 little puppies (2 males & 7 females) who have been doing very well so far. The first litter of Leyritz & Satine produced very good  griffons, both in terms of very good temperaments and hunting abilities as well as great family companions.